How To Make A Dental Cleaning Kit – Homemade Toothpaste And Mouthwash

Have you ever tried making your own herbal toothpaste or mouthwash?

Let me show you how you can prepare a herbal dental kit at home!

Also, I will show you a way to prepare a herbal dental kit for your travelling purpose.

Why let go of our organic dental care unit when we are travelling?

The things we will be needing for the dental kit are;

  1.  A spill proof, ziplock durable pouch.
  2. A pet bottle of cold-pressed coconut oil for oil pulling
  3. A small stainless steel spoon
  4. A small pack of dry tissue
  5. An empty lip balm container (*To fill the homemade herbal toothpaste)
  6. A small empty bottle for the homemade mouthwash
  7. A wooden/bamboo brush
  8. A copper tongue cleaner

Let start with preparing our homemade toothpaste first.

I am going to share 3 recipes.

You can try them all and continue with the one most suitable for you!

Coconut toothpaste

This is a very mild toothpaste that gently cleans our teeth and because of the antibacterial properties of coconut oil. It eliminates the harmful bacterias from our mouth and provides protection from infections.

For this we require;

  • 1/4 cup cold-pressed coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tablet/1 sachet of 100% natural stevia
  • 25-30 drops of peppermint essential oil


Take a clean glass bowl and add 1/4 cup cold-pressed coconut oil, 1 tbsp baking soda and 1/2 tsp sea salt. Stir and mix well.

Now add 1 sachet of natural stevia. If you are using a tablet then first crush the tablet using a mortar and pestle and then add.

In the end, add 25 to 30 drops of peppermint essential oil. You can also replace it with spearmint essential oil.

Stir and mix all these ingredients properly and fill this mixture in an empty airtight container.

Place this container into the refrigerator for a few hours to get solid.

Voila! our homemade coconut toothpaste is ready to use.

To use:

Scoop out a little amount of coconut toothpaste and place it over your bamboo/wooden toothbrush. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with warm water.

This will give you a little oily feeling initially but then you will get used to this toothpaste!

2. Cocoa toothpaste

For this we will require;

1 tsp baking soda

1 tbsp bentonite clay

2 tsp food-grade organic cocoa powder

1 tsp of sea salt. (Optional)

1 tablet/sachet 100% natural stevia

2 tsp filtered water

1-2 drops of cinnamon essential oil


In a glass bowl add all the dry ingredients first and mix well.

Adjust the water portion and make a fine paste.

Lastly, add 1 to 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil and mix it well with the paste.

Fill this cocoa toothpaste in an empty airtight container.

How to use it?

Scoop out a little amount of cocoa toothpaste and place it over your toothpaste.

And brush your teeth the usual way. Don’t forget to do gargle and swish water or mouthwash through your teeth to eliminate the dirt particles completely.

Cacao helps to fight cavities, plaque and tooth decay and bentonite clay helps in eliminating small dirt particles between the teeth.

3. Turmeric toothpaste

Because of turmeric and clove’s antibacterial and antifungal properties, it helps to maintain the good health of our mouth and if you are suffering from a toothache or swollen gum or sensitivity then this toothpaste is the best natural remedy.

To make this turmeric toothpaste we will require:

  • 1/2 tsp cold-pressed coconut oil
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • A pinch of turmeric
  • 1 tsp calcium carbonate gel/powder (You can substitute it with bentonite clay)
  • 1 tablet/sachet of 100% natural stevia
  • 1-2 drops of clove essential oil


Add all these ingredients to a glass container and mix well. Mix until it forms a fine paste. In the end, add 1 to 2 drops of clove essential oil and mix it well. (*Make sure you use a pinch of turmeric otherwise it will leave yellow stains on your teeth.

Fill this toothpaste in an empty airtight container and place it in the refrigerator for a few hours to get solid.

How to use it?

Scoop out the desired quantity and brush your teeth with it. Gargle with a Luke warm water and you are done!

To assemble our herbal travel dental kit;

First, take the durable spill-proof zip lock pouch and place a tissue inside the pouch so that if there is any leakage from any product it will keep the pouch clean.

All of you who have been following me and my channel knows that I rely on ‘Oil pulling’ for my dental health.

So I am going to start with placing a pet bottle of cold-pressed coconut oil and a tissue pouch in the dental kit first.

Place a toothbrush inside the dental pouch. Since I have started following an organic lifestyle I have been using this Bamboo toothbrush. It is Eco friendly and decomposable. Plus it is lightweight and easy to carry.

Next is a tongue cleaner. I use a copper tongue cleaner.

The benefit of using a copper tongue cleaner is that it not only removes the deposits on the tongue which leads to bad breath but also clears toxins and bacteria from the tongue as well as our digestive tract. Thus, It helps in improving our oral and digestive health.

So, a copper tongue cleaner!

Now, comes toothpaste!

For the portable toothpaste option to place in this herbal travel dental kit, take a small container and fill any of your preferred homemade toothpaste in it.

I am adding this cacao toothpaste because it is convenient, doesn’t spill and don’t require refrigeration.

The other two, coconut and turmeric toothpaste may melt in a hot environment so they need to be kept in the refrigerator.

If possible try to use a container with a double seal option. Close the lid and put it in the dental pouch.

Don’t forget to keep a small spoon or spatula along with it so that it is easier to remove the paste.

Okay, now comes the mouth wash.

Let me show you how you can prepare organic mouthwash at home using Aloe Vera gel. It is super easy and quick recipe.

For this we require:

  • 1/4 cup Aloe Vera juice
  • 1/4 cup filtered water
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 4-5 drops of peppermint essential oil


First, extract fresh Aloe Vera gel and strain it using a cheese/muslin cloth. You can also use market-based ready-made Aloe Vera juice instead. Add equal parts of filtered/drinking water and mix.

Add 1 tsp baking soda and mix it with the liquid portion.

In the end, add 4 to 5 drops of peppermint essential oil and stir.

Voila! our homemade Aloe Vera mouthwash is ready to use!

Fill it in an empty pet bottle and place it in the refrigerator. It will stay for a month in the refrigerator and for a week without a refrigerator.

Take this homemade Aloe Vera mouthwash bottle, make sure the lid is closed tightly and place it into the dental pouch.

That’s it! Our organic dental travel pouch is ready to go!

Keep following my channel to know more about making your own organic products at home. And please like and share my videos with your friends and family if you find them helpful.

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