
DIY Aloe Vera Shampoos & Conditioners [Video Tutorial]

Have you been searching for the right kind of shampoo & conditioner for your hair? Like me, do you feel we can add or subtract certain ingredients and customize our own shampoo according to our hair type?

Even though we opt for organic options for our daily shampoos and conditioners we sometimes wonder are they actually 100% organic?

Don’t worry and just read this article and step by step make your own shampoos and conditioners at home using all your preferred ingredients.

I am sharing 2 different shampoos and conditioners using two different hair-friendly ingredients. But you can other your preferred ingredients and customize your own exclusively for your hair type.

Okay, so in these both shampoos and conditioners 1 thing in common which is;

Homemade Aloe Vera Gel

If you want to know how to make it, click here.

The main two ingredients I am using are;

  1. Fenugreek seeds
  2. Rice

Fenugreek seeds for hair

Loaded with Iron and proteins fenugreek seeds are an ultimate hair care natural ingredient.

It not only repairs the damaged hair and roots but also brings back the natural shine and strength of our hair.

Fenugreek seeds are rich in vitamin A, C and K all of which are responsible for healthy and shiny hair.

They contain folic acid which is necessary to maintain the good health of our hair.

They are also rich in potassium and calcium both of these minerals are helpful in healthy hair growth and to stop hair fall.

Regular use of fenugreek seeds prevents hairball, premature hair thinning, hair greying and dandruff issues.

They are responsible for healthy, shiny and beautiful hair.

Take 1 tbsp fenugreek seeds and soak them overnight in a glass of water.

The next day strains the fenugreek seed water and keeps it aside. We will be needing this fenugreek seed water to make our shampoo.

And take the soaked fenugreek seeds add 1 or 2 tbsp fenugreek water in it and grind it until there is a smooth paste formed.

We will be using this fenugreek paste in our conditioner.

You can also make a paste out of fenugreek powder and overnight soaked fenugreek seeds water instead.

Now, let’s start making our first homemade shampoo and conditioner using fenugreek seeds and Aloe Vera gel.

Aloe Fenugreek Shampoo & Conditioner

To make our aloe fenugreek shampoo the ingredients we will be needing are;

  1. Our homemade aloe vera gel
  2. Liquid Castile soap or you can also use your existing shampoo and make it milder
  3. Any non-greasy oil (I am taking Jojoba oil)
  4. Fenugreek seed water
  5. Any essential oil. I am taking Rosemary essential oil and
  6. Preservative (I am taking phenoxyethanol preservative)

How to make it?

First, in a bowl take 5 tbsp homemade aloe vera gel

5 tbsp liquid Castile soap or your existing shampoo

1 tbsp jojoba oil

1 tbsp fenugreek seed water

8 to 10 drops rosemary essential oil and

⅛ tsp preservative (*Considering we have already added preservative in our homemade aloe vera gel)

Stir well and mix all the ingredients until there is a uniform consistency.

Fill this shampoo in an empty airtight container and label the container with ingredients and date.

How to use it?

Take a small amount in your palms, add a little water and lather your hair with this shampoo just like your regular shampoo.

It is a very mild and gentle shampoo and can be used daily.

*If you feel this makes your hair greasy then you can subtract the oil or use less oil portion in your batch.

For aloe vera fenugreek conditioner we need

  1. Homemade aloe vera gel
  2. Any teen nourishing oil (I am using Avocado oil)
  3. Fenugreek seed paste
  4. Your preferred essential oil (I am using Lavender essential oil)
  5. Preservative (I am taking phenoxyethanol preservative) and 
  6. Fenugreek seed water.

How to make it?

In a bowl first, take 4 tbsp homemade aloe vera gel.

1 tbsp avocado oil

1 tbsp fenugreek seed paste

And 1 tsp fenugreek seed water.

Stir well and mix all these ingredients properly. 

In the end, add 8-10 drops of essential oil and ⅛ tsp preservative and stir again until they gel properly with the other ingredients.

And our homemade aloe vera fenugreek conditioner is ready!

Fill it in an empty airtight container and label it with the date and ingredients.

Apply this conditioner over your hair and scalp and keep it on for 3 to 5 minutes and rinse. This will be a little sticky because of the fenugreek paste but the results are amazing!

*If you feel this makes your hair greasy then you can subtract the oil or use less oil portion in your batch.

Now, let’s make our aloe vera gel rice water shampoo & conditioner. 

Aloe Rice Shampoo & Conditioner

Rice water for hair

We all know the benefits of rice water for our hair.

Rice water contains all the essential vitamins such as B, C, E and minerals which are necessary to maintain our hair’s overall health. According to a few studies, It contains one unique carbohydrate known as Inositol which is said to penetrate till the roots of our hair, minimizes the damage caused to our hair roots and strengthens them.

The amino acids present in rice water boosts hair growth as well as repairs damaged hair roots and boosts hair regeneration.

Soaking them overnight enhances the vitamins and minerals present in rice to increase its effectiveness.

So, take approximately 2-3 tbsp of rice. Wash them twice and soak them in 1 cup of freshwater overnight.

The next day, strain the rice water and keep it aside. And cook these rice with this rice water until they become mussy.

Strain this cooked rice and you will get a nice rice paste.

So, this rice water we will need for our shampoo and rice paste for our conditioner.

Let’s start making our first homemade shampoo and conditioner using Aloe Vera gel and rice water and rice paste.

To make our Aloe Rice Water Shampoo we need;

  1. Homemade aloe vera gel
  2. Liquid Castile soap / Or your regular shampoo
  3. Any transparent oil (I am using Virgin coconut oil)
  4. Rice water
  5. Your preferred essential oil (I am taking Ylang Ylang essential oil)
  6. Preservative (I am taking phenoxyethanol preservative)

How to make it?

Add 5 tbsp of aloe vera gel to a bowl.

5 tbsp liquid Castile soap or your existing shampoo

1 tbsp virgin coconut oil

1 tbsp rice water

8 to 10 drops of essential oil and

⅛ tsp preservative.

Stir well and mix all these ingredients properly.

If you feel the consistency is a little liquidish then add 1 drop of TEA into it and stir well.

*If you feel this makes your hair greasy then you can subtract the oil or use less oil portion in your batch.

Add this shampoo to an empty airtight container and label the container.

This is a deeply nourishing shampoo with the goodness of aloe vera gel and rice water.

For our aloe vera rice conditioner we need;

  1. Homemade aloe vera gel 
  2. Any deep moisturizing oil (I am taking Extra Virgin Olive oil)
  3. Rice paste
  4. Your preferred essential oil (I am using Ylang ylang essential oil) and
  5. Preservative (I am taking phenoxyethanol preservative)

How to make it?

In a bowl first, add 5 tbsp homemade aloe vera gel 

2 tbsp rice paste

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

8-10 drops essential oil and

⅛ tsp preservative

Mix all these ingredients until there is a uniform consistency formed.

And our homemade aloe rice conditioner is ready to use!

Fill it in an empty airtight container and label the container with the date and ingredients.

*If you feel this makes your hair greasy then you can subtract the oil or use less oil portion in your batch.

Use it as your regular conditioner. It is super nourishing and creamy.

So, make your batch. Do experiments with your own different hair-friendly ingredients and give me your feedback about these recipes as well as your own versions of homemade shampoos and conditioner.

If you feel these shampoos and conditioners are a little greasy for your hair type or if you have oily hair type then either reduce the quantity of oil used (Take 1 tsp or 1/2 tsp instead of 1 tbsp) or don’t add oil at all.

If you don’t have liquid Castile soap then you can also add your existing shampoo.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comment section.


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