Introduction to Ixora

Introduction to Ixora

Scientific Name– Ixora Coccinea Widely known as: Jungle Germanium or Flame of the Jungle/Woods/Forest  In India it is known as: Sanskrit – Paranti / Patali Bengali – Rangan Kerala – Cheti poo Hindi – Rugmini / Rangan Indonesia – Santan It is widely cultivated in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and South Florida. Ixora Chemical…

Aloe Vera Introduction and Benefits

Aloe Vera Introduction and Benefits

According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, in ancient Egypt, they called Aloe vera “that plant of immortality.” – Medical News Today Aloe Vera name derived from an Arabic word ‘Alloeh’  which means ‘A shining bitter substance’. This shinning substance has many medicinal, health, beauty and skin related benefits. It is a natural healing plant,…